Thursday, December 15, 2011

Projects Update

Way for winter vacation!  This means more time to work on my projects.

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (2010) - Acquiring BDMVs
Howl's Moving Castle - Acquiring BDMVs *Encoding Video
Chaos;Head - Acquiring BDMVs
Bleach Movie 3: Fade to Black - Acquiring BDMVs

Loups Garous - Complete, waiting on Quality Control*
Summer Wars - Complete, waiting on Quality Control*

*the subs are whack. Still need more staff to QC everything.

I've in the awkward when you've maxed out your hard drive space but torrents aren't complete yet T__T. My ratio is 0.7 though! That's one thing that going well for me.

If you haven't read my previous post, please do so. Take advantage of it, we still have 9 more days!

Why I love the Holidays...


A bit late to the party, but AsianDVDClub has an unlimited leach promotion going on that allows users to leech leech leech to their hearts content until December 24, or their HD fills up completely, whichever comes first.
This is good news for me because my ratio absolutely sucks, and thats why I'm so slow to getting new releases up and going. If you guys haven't already, create an account and let me leeching marathon begin!
Remember, Saikou is very limited in its ability to acquire BDMVs at the moment, so we would absolutely appreciate if our supporters would feed us those those files.



Friday, December 9, 2011

To Mux or Not to Mux, that is the Question.

When we complete our releases, would you prefer muxed .mkv files, or would you prefer individual files?